“Should I wait until I lose this extra weight?”

NOPE! Well, ultimately that's up to you. I usually book a few months out so a boudoir session is actually a great motivator to reach fitness goals! However, your weight does not qualify or disqualify you for a session. You should be celebrated at ANY size. When we put on some weight we tend to be really hard on ourselves and sometimes our self esteem can dip. A full photoshoot with a professional makeover can be really amazing during these times. Sometimes you need to hear how amazing you are from other people. 

“What should I bring?”

So, this is different for everyone for the most part. You'll bring in the outfits we've discussed and that's about it! In our pre-session phone consultation we'll go over your outfits more in depth. We try not to use too many props in our photos so I'd advise keeping props to a minimum, maybe only bringing one or two things. Props that I do like: instruments, books, mugs.

“Can I bring a friend?”

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions we do not allow guests at the moment. The spaces we shoot in may often times be too small and or not allow for proper social distancing. 
​However, if there is any special reason why you may need a guest to come along with you we can go over this during you're Pre-Session Consult and can make the necessary arrangements.

“Can I bring my partner to the image reveal appointment?”

Same-ish rules as above. However, you do need to bring a guest for a particular reason please see rules below.
- You MUST let me know at least 24 hours in advance
- No negative nancy's
- He/She MUST be informed of pricing in advance 
- No children at reveals (if possible)

“I'm so awkward, are you sure I can look sexy?”

Hell yes! I cannot tell you how often I hear this! We are all a little awkward. Embrace it! I seriously just boss you around the entire time so you don't really have any opportunities to look awkward and if you do, it usually just results in a laughing fit and sometimes those are our favorite images!

“What if I'm on a budget?”
You're in luck! I offer a new pre-payment plan! Shoot me an email and I can send you more information! 

“So exciting! Can I book for next weekend?!”

Sorry, babe! Unfortunately, I do not shoot on weekends. My working hours are Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm. On the super rare occasion that we can schedule a weekend shoot there will be a convenience fee added to the session fee.

Have more questions? 
Feel free to use the contact form below to schedule a phone consultation!
Thank you!
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